
“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.
— — Jon Kabat-Zinn
What is Mindfulness?
We all get caught up in our fast-paced lives. Mindfulness is a very easy way to gently let go of stress and be present in the moment. To be calm and be in the now. It is something that we do very much on purpose and helps us to reconnect with the simpler moments in our lives.
For example: Taking deep breathes and focusing on the present moment in time. This will also increase gratitude and compassion within us. Helping us to be more aware and kinder to ourselves and to others around us.
Benefits of practicing mindfulness
Helps to increase calmness and relaxation.
Leaves you with more positive energy.
Increases your self confidence and self esteem.
Helps to reduce stress, anxiety, pain and depression.
Improves your immune efficiency.
Improves sleep.
You’re on your way to a better night’s sleep!
The Mindful Almond® has created a whole range of Sleep Stories which are specifically designed to help your children use mindful practices before bedtime.
This range is constantly growing and we aim to reach out to all age groups including teens and adults alike! Even mums and dads will be drawn into the soothing tones and calm feel of our sleep stories.
Check out our Testimonials for yourself.
Sleepstories from The Mindful Almond®
Have a listen for yourself and join the bedtime revolution!